24 Websites
To Choose From
Leads Generated To Date*
46 Lead Types
To Choose From
Below 7%
Lead Refund Rate

Are you looking to buy exclusive life insurance leads online? Look no further! At LeadCrowd, we have the enquiries you need, and here’s how to get them…

Types of Life Insurance Leads Available

We offer a wide range of life insurance enquiries, sourced in real-time through the LeadCrowd platform. When you buy these leads from us, they are offered to you on an exclusive basis. We don’t sell our leads to multiple financial advisors like some of our competitors.

We have leads available for clients seeking:

How We Generate Our Life Insurance Leads

Most of our life insurance leads are generated through Google Ads campaigns, which allow us to target the most relevant enquiries from clients who need your exact expertise.

There are 2.3 million Google searches carried out every second and the majority of the search pages they return contain Google Ads. These ads allow lead generation specialists like us to target the most relevant customers related to searches around life insurance.

We design bespoke campaigns to target the search terms that are most likely to yield relevant customers. Our campaigns target over 10,000 keywords, and we will manage and optimise them for you 24/7, while you kick back and watch the leads build up in your inbox.

How Much They Will Cost You

There are two types of leads available to buy from us: PPC leads and SEO leads. Each type has its own pricing structure, terms and conditions attached.

PPC leads

PPC leads are made up of ‘Advertising’ and ‘Lead Costs’ = Variable cost leads.

For PPC leads, you will be billed for your Google advertising spend (billed daily) and for every genuine lead generated (subject to any accepted lead refunds. See lead refund policy for more information).

For this lead type, the average daily advertising cost per lead generated is £50* and we charge £20 for every genuine enquiry generated (lead cost).

Life insurance PPC leads have the added benefit of being able to be location specific e.g. Postcode specific.

*Based on over 250,000 leads generated

Scroll table horizontally to view prices
PPC Leads
Average Google Advertising Cost Per PPC Lead
Lead Cost Per PPC Lead
Overall Average Cost Per PPC Lead
SEO Lead Costs
From £68

SEO leads

SEO Leads DO NOT have any ‘Advertising’ cost and are ‘Lead Cost’ only = Set cost leads.

SEO leads are sold to the highest bidder for an upfront fee and must be purchased on a nationwide basis. For life insurance leads, the cost per lead starts at £68.

Discounts are available through our Rewards scheme, which offers incentives for customers based on the number of leads they take.

All lead costs cited above exclude VAT

Why use LeadCrowd for your Life Insurance leads?

We are confident that LeadCrowd is the best place to buy Life Insurance enquiries online. Here are just some of the reasons why advisors choose us for their lead gen needs:

We tailor our campaigns to generate the leads you want
We design, manage and optimise your campaign for you
You don’t need a website - leads go straight to your inbox
Leads are exclusive to you - we don’t sell them to multiple advisors


We have 4 memberships levels based on the number of leads you generate each month LeadCrowd Rewards

LeadCrowd Rewards


What kind of reviews does your service have?

LeadCrowd, which began life as Adviser Leads and later became Echo Ads before taking on its current trading name, has positive reviews from clients who have taken our Life Insurance leads. The majority of our customers have rated us 5 stars on Google Reviews.

Where do our Life Insurance leads come from?
Do I need a website to take your leads?
How do you generate Life Insurance leads?
What lead information will be provided?
Where can I find out more about LeadCrowd?


Click on a sector to find out more about what LeadCrowd can get for you

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